Day 1 W1

For the majority of the crew, today was our first bumps experience, a rather intimidating prospect for a boat firmly in the middle of the top division. The nerves may have showed themselves initially with the boat feeling a little shakey for the first minute or so. Despite this we managed to close on Clare ahead of us, with Kings also closing behind us. Kings gained their first whistle fairly early on (although I think this was their bank party being slightly over-optimistic) which was all the incentive that we needed to get rid of those nerves and settle into a determined, strong rhythm. With the boat moving quickly beneath us we soon managed to lose Kings, who posed no real threat for the remainder of the course. Unfortunately Clare bumped LMBC ahead of us, deying us the opportunity of chasing them once we had settled into our rhythm. However, the solid row over with Kings trailing far behind has definitely given us confidence for the days ahead. Tomorrow, LMBC are going down. The girls who were denyed the bump in the boat last Lents are PARTICULARLY sure of it...

Caroline (Three)