Day 2, Lent Bumps 2017: M3

Having rowed over on Day 1, M3 approached Day 2 with the same tenacity as the previous day, ready to battle other crews, and signficantly kinder elements, for the wheel. King's II were to be the target, Churchill III the other foe to be seen off into the distance. 

We knew, in reality however, that we were once again going to be in for the long haul - King's II were likely to be too strong for Sidney II, and so it proved. That is not to say the M3 enjoyed a relaxed row over, no. King's II were closed before their bump on Sidney II, and Churchill III pushed away to be bumped by Caius III. As a result, a long pitched battle between M3 and Jesus IV commenced on the Reach, no quarter was given and M3 rowed over, reducing Jesus IV to a distant speck as the Railway Bridge loomed overhead. 

Tommorow we go for Sidney II - a first bump of Lents is well within the capabilities of a crew that has done itself proud thus far. All that remains is to ensure that Caius III do not get to us first; as strong a start as always and even more intensity through the first half of the course and M3 could well be on the rise. 

Sidney II, M3 is well and truly coming for you.