W3 Mays 2017 - Day 1

Turning up early to the boathouse on a beautiful, sunny day W3 were ready for the challenge of May bumps. Having previously raced against the boats in front we were prepared for the challenge, and a couple of practise starts later, we set off.

Though slightly nervous, we steadily paddled our way down to wait for the division before us to come past but then comes the call of a re-race, delaying us by about half an hour. Again, at the start raring to go, we were foiled by previous division, a poor cox having been hit quite hard by the boat behind.

Slightly frustrated at the wait, we channelled our energy towards the race, knowing we were either going to bump Caius W3 or have to race to over bump and catch Emma W4. Most of us having never competed in bumps before, we sat anxiously in the boat listening out for the start cannon. We were off. A slightly splashy start gave way to a smooth rhythm slowly gaining on Caius, but then, hearing the whistles ahead we knew Caius were getting close to Jesus W4. The next thing we knew we were racing past Caius and Jesus, watching them relax on the sides of the river.

In for the long game now, we aimed to try and make up the lengths to catch Emma. Two corners past us by on a great racing line held by our cox and the power tens coming out of the corner kept us flying along. Finally, amid the cheers of the spectators outside the Plough, we caught Emma. A victory won by tough rowing at a great pace, W3 are ready for tomorrow!